12 Apr Call of the Wild, April 12, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
12:00 Noon to 4:00 pm
Saint Rose School Auditorium
517 West 164 Street off Saint Nicholas Ave
(Across from Bug Off’s Showroom)
Add Wildlife Management to your business for greater revenue!
Find out how to become licensed in NY, NJ, CT and PA
Learn how to trap, transport and dispose of the major animals
Check out the latest tools for trapping, handling and personal protection
Presented by:
Alan A. Huot
(Wildlife Control Supplies)
Alan is a Certified Wildlife Control Professional (CWCP) with over 30 years experience in wildlife control. He is a founding member of the National Wildlife Control Operators Association (NWCOA), former Vice President of the Connecticut Nuisance Wildlife Control Operators Association, member of the National Animal Control Association and member of the National Pest Management Association. In 1998, Alan and his wife Carol founded Wildlife Control Supplies (WCS) to fill the equipment and educational needs of the growing professional wildlife control industry.
Cost: $35.00