The Green Pest Management Summit. June 19, 2008

Click here for Summit video

Presented by Dr. Thomas Green, President of the IPM Institute of North America, the Summit set the standards and criteria for green products and techniques from a science-based, industry-tested, common-sense point of view. The goal of the Summit was to emphasize the role pest management professionals play as protectors of health and the environment, as well as show how to use “green” to increase revenue.

Over 200 cutting-edge professionals attended the Summit eager to access the growing market for green services. Attendees visited over a dozen exhibits by leading manufacturers; earned Green Specialistâ„¢ insignia and learned how to attain Green Shieldsm certification.

A major event in New York City

Dr. Green addresses the gathering

Dr. Austin Frishman receives award from Dr. Green for his outstanding

contribution to the promotion of IPM principles

Dr. Frishman sharing his thoughts on the importance of incorporating green principles as an extension of IPM

Andy sharing pearls of wisdom

Making Eaton’s Amie Meeken giggle
Thanking Mom for not missing a major Bug Off event

Dr. Bill Robinson mans the B&G booth

Dave at the Bug Off station

“You lookin’ at me, Andorka?”

“What’re you lookin’ at, Conroy?”

Cryonite’s Jonas Ahlberg chillin’ at the Summit and

John Murphy making the case for Liphatech’s product line